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Web application and system, separation from source

Web application and system, separation from source

Prevention is better than cure Perhaps the same is true of waste. This means that it is better to produce as little waste as possible in the first place, so that in the next stage we can use fewer resources for waste separation and waste recycling. It is possible to ...
systems Ozon generator

systems Ozon generator

Other leachate treatment methods include advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) such as ozonation. Today, the ozonation process is widely used in water and wastewater treatment due to the high potential of ozone for oxidation and conversion of hard biodegradable components to CO2 and biodegradable compounds. In addition to removing organic and ...
Organic waste pretreatment systems

Organic waste pretreatment systems

According to field studies and studies of existing compost production systems such as waste incineration, landfilling, processing and stacking methods, etc. The problem of space and high occupation area, long process time and production of dangerous odors and leachate that need the high cost of treatment and decontamination has made ...
Wet waste pre-treatment systems (screened municipal)

Wet waste pre-treatment systems (screened municipal)

In the process of producing compost from wet municipal sub-municipal waste, the time it takes for incoming waste to turn into fertilizer is about two to three months, which is accompanied by the production of aerobic bacteria. On the other hand, at present, compost fertilizer production lines from wet municipal ...